
Friday, September 28, 2012



                                                           DEFINITION OF TERMS
APPROACH is a procedure that employs a variety of strategies to access better understanding and effective learning.

METHOD/STRATEGY refers to an organized, orderly, systematic, well-planned procedure. Methods direct and guide the teacher in all class activities and involve as well, the organization of materials to get things done.

A TECHNIQUE is implementational and that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick used to accomplish an immediate objective.


   1.      Personalizing and Warming-Up the Climate.
        The teacher shares positive feelings about events or work of the students.

   2.      Using an Attention Getter.
       The teacher brings objects that are related to the lesson and are new to students.

   3.      Relating the Lesson to the World of Students.
     Teachers need to establish connection between the experimental world of students and the topics to be    
     introduced if learning is to take place.

   4.      Reviewing Past Work.
     For the students to realize that the new lesson is associated with the previous one, teachers have to ask 
     students about the knowledge, skills, and values they have learned.

   5.      Using Advance Organizers.
    Advance organizers are statements which will help the students process the lesson about to be introduced.


   -    Motivation is a driving force that impels one to react.
   -     It makes the learner get interested in learning and keeps the learner engaged in learning.

Kinds of Motivation
o   Intrinsic Motivation – It originates from the students’ inner selves. Intrinsic motivation is greatly influence by the innate values and attitudes possessed by the student.
o   Extrinsic Motivation – It originates from the students’ learning environment. It takes the form of rewards or incentives or recognitions.


   1.      Learning is an active process
What I hear, I forget.
What I hear and see, I remember a little.
What I hear, see, and ask questions about or discuss with someone else, I begin to understand
What I hear, see, discuss and do, I acquire knowledge and skill
What I teach to another, I master (Silberman, 1996)

   2.      The more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better the learning
   3.      An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information

   4.      There is no such thing as best teaching method. The best method is the one that works, the one that yield 


Direct Instruction
     -  is a way of teaching which is aimed at helping students acquire some basic skills and “procedural 
     -  The strategy is teacher-directed
     -  The emphasis is on how to execute the steps of the entire procedure.
     -  This is a form of learning through imitation.
Deductive Method
    - It begins with the abstract rule, generalization, principle and ends with specific examples, and concrete details
    -  The deductive approach is teacher-dominated.
    -  No bother on the part of the teacher to lead learners to the formulation of the generalization or rule

Inductive Method
    -  It begins with specific details, concrete data and examples and ends with an abstract generalization rule, or principle
    -   The inductive method is less teacher-directed.
    -    The learners are more engaged in the teaching-learning process.
    -    It helps the development of our learners’ higher-order-thinking-skills

Demonstration Method
    -   The teacher shows how to operate, manipulate equipment while the class observes.
    -   The demonstrative method is teacher-dominated.
    -   The value of confidence is developed among the demonstrators
    -   Curiosity and keen observing ability are instilled among the observers


Problem Solving Method
    -   Problem solving is a teaching strategy that employs the scientific method in searching for information.

Project Method
    -   It requires students to present in concrete form a learned concept or principle.
    -   The project may be a task or product

The Constructivist Approach
    -   This approach demands students to construct their own meaning out of their own learning approach
    -   A meaningful connection is established between prior knowledge and the present learning activity

Reflective Teaching
    - Reflective teaching is anchored on the ability of the teacher to guide students to reflect on their own experiences in order to arrive at new understandings and meanings.

Cooperative Learning Approach
    -   Cooperative learning is a group helping each other learn but keeping each individual member accountable for his-her learning

Team Teaching
    -   Team teaching is an effective approach if there a need for an authority or an expert on a special topic which is included in the unit.
    -    This could be described as a multidisciplinary approach.

Peer Tutoring / Peer Teaching
    -  Peer tutoring is commonly employed when the teacher requests the older, brighter and more cooperative member of the class to tutor (coach, teach instruct) other classmates.

Partner Learning
    -  Partner learning is teaming up with a classmate as a partner for learning
    -  This may also mean assigning “study buddy.”


    -         KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned)
    -         Game, Puzzle, Brain Teaser, Acrostic, Analogies
    -         Editorial, Anecdote, Stories, News, Scenario
    -         Video clip, Song, Poem, Picture without caption
    -         Voting, Debate
    -         Devil’s Advocate
    -         Quotable Quote
    -         Interview, Library research, Internet research
    -         Experiment, Hands-on Learning
    -         Using Graphic Organizers
    -         Performance, Demonstration, Talk Show
    -         Authentic Project, Portfolio
    -         Reading, Writing
    -         Passport to Leave, Journal Writing
    -         3/2/1 Countdown
    -         Lecture

“The MEDIOCRE teacher tells. 
The GOOD teacher explains. 
The SUPERIOR teacher demonstrates. 
The GREAT teacher inspires.”

-William Arthur Ward


Acero, V.O., Javier, E.S. and Castro, H.O. (2000) Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

Bilbao, Purita P. (2008) Curriculum Development. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc.

Corpuz, B.B. and Salandanan, G.G. (2007) Principles of Teaching 1. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc.

Garcia, Carlito D. (2005) Principles and Strategies of Teaching: A Skills Approach. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Books Atbp. Publishing House Corp.

Salandanan, Gloria G. (2005) Teaching and the Teacher. Quezon City, Philippines: Lorimar Publishing Company Inc.

Salandanan, G. G. & Lorimar Publishing, Inc. (2009) Methods of Teaching, revised edition. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc




The term PRINCIPLE has been adopted from the Latin word “princeps” which means the beginning or the end of all things.

Principles are the chief guides to make teaching and learning effective and productive.

In a traditional usage, TEACHING simply means giving instruction. It is a process of imparting knowledge and skills required to master a subject matter.

As progressive and humanist education advance, Teaching is now perceived as stimulating, directing, guiding the learner and evaluating the learning outcomes of teaching.

LEARNING is usually defined as a change in an individual’s behavior caused by experiences or self-activities.


    1.      Teaching is good when the learner is made conscious of the goals or aims to be accomplished
“Begin with the end in mind”
Remember: With a clear and specific lesson objective, you will have a sense of direction.

    2.      Teaching is good when it is based on the psychology of learning

Psychology of Learning

Behaviorist Psychology – learning should be organized in order that students can experience success in the process of mastering the subject matter.
Cognitive Psychology – focus their attention on how individuals process information and how they monitor and manage thinking.
Humanistic Psychology – concerned with the process not the products; personal needs not subject matter; psychological meaning and environmental situations.

    3.      Teaching is good when it is well-planned and where activities are interrelated to each other
Planning is the key to effective teaching.
Lesson Plan – a blue print of those teaching activities that are to be done in the classroom

    4.      Teaching is good when it utilizes the past experiences of the learner. Learning is a consequence of experience.

Experiential Learning makes use of direct as well as vicarious experiences.

Abstract concepts are made understandable when we give sufficient examples relating to the students’ experiences.

    5.      Learning is an evolutionary process

Behavioral change requires time and patience.

    6.      Teaching is good when there is provision to meet individual differences. Each learner has his own learning styles

Types of Learners

a)      Visual Learners – Visual learners are those who learn best by data and information presented to them visually. They are characterized by the following:
a.       They tend to be fast talkers
b.      They exhibit impatience and have a tendency to interrupt
c.       They use words and phrases that evoke visual images
d.      They learn by seeing and visualizing

b)      Auditory Learners – Auditory learners learn by listening and verbalizing data. They are characterized by the following:
a.       They speak slowly and tend to be natural listeners
b.      They think in a linear manner
c.       They prefer to have things explained to them verbally rather than to read written information
d.      They learn by listening and verbalizing

c)      Read-Write Learners – Read-write learners learn by silently reading or rewriting their notes repeatedly. They are characterized by the following:
a.       They prefer for information to be displayed in writing
b.      They emphasize text-based input and output
c.       They enjoy reading and writing in all forms

d)     Kinesthetic Learners - Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best through hands-on approaches. They are characterized by the following:
a.       They tend to be the slowest talkers of all
b.      They use all their senses to engage in learning
c.       They tend to be slow to make decisions

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

a)      Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence – ability to speak or write effectively
b)      Logical-Mathematical Intelligence – ability to work effectively with numbers and reason effectively
c)      Spatial Intelligence – ability to create visually and visualize accurately
d)     Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence – ability to use the hands to fix or create and use the body expressively
e)      Musical Intelligence – ability to create music and analyze music
f)       Interpersonal Intelligence – ability to work with people and help people identify and overcome problems
g)      Intrapersonal Intelligence – ability to meditate, reflect, exhibit self-discipline, maintain composure, and get the most out of oneself
h)      Naturalist Intelligence – analyze ecological and natural situations and data, learn from living things and work in natural settings

    7.      Teaching is good when the learner is stimulated to think and to reason and governed by democratic principles

Critical Thinking – is a reasonable reflective thinking that is focused on deciding whether to believe or not (Ennis, 1987). It is the process of assessing conclusions based on evidence.

    8.      Teaching is good when it goes beyond recall of information

Benjamin Bloom and his associates classified three big domains of objectives. These are:

1.      Cognitive Domain – domain of thought process
a.       Knowledge – behaviors related to recognizing and remembering facts, concepts, and other important data on any topic or subject
b.      Comprehension – behaviors associated with the clarification and articulation of the main idea of what students are learning
c.       Application – behaviors that have something to do with problem-solving and expression, which require students to apply what they have learned
d.      Analysis – behaviors that require student to think critically
e.       Synthesis – behaviors that call for creative thinking
f.       Evaluation – behaviors that necessitate judging the value or worth of a person, object, or idea or giving opinion on an issue
2.      Affective Domain – domain of valuing, attitude and appreciation
3.      Psychomotor Domain – domain of the use of psychomotor attributes

    9.      Teaching is good when it embeds a sound evaluation process. Learning is both observable and measurable.

Evaluation is the process of determining the changes in the child as a result of teaching and of his experiences.

    10.  The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual.

Learning is affected by the total state of the individual.

We tend to remember and learn more those that strike our hearts!

“Educate the MIND, Touch the HEART and
Transform LIVES!”



Acero, V.O., Javier, E.S. and Castro, H.O. (2000) Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Printing Company, Inc.

Bilbao, Purita P. (2008) Curriculum Development. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc.

Corpuz, B.B. and Salandanan, G.G. (2007) Principles of Teaching 1. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc.

Garcia, Carlito D. (2005) Principles and Strategies of Teaching: A Skills Approach. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Books Atbp. Publishing House Corp.

Salandanan, Gloria G. (2005) Teaching and the Teacher. Quezon City, Philippines: Lorimar Publishing Company Inc.

Salandanan, G. G. & Lorimar Publishing, Inc. (2009) Methods of Teaching, revised edition. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Printing Co., Inc
